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tv   ABC World News  ABC  November 29, 2015 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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welcome to "world news tonight". a deadly attack on a planned parenthood clinic. tonight, the motive to kill. a suspect in custody. how police watched the rampage in real time and survivors inside the clinic. new threat. a long weekend of icy storms. dangerous roads and flash flooding claiming lives. now, a double punch. heavy snow on the way. no warning. the apartment building emptied. the hidden poison that can seep into your home. cyber sunday? move over, black friday. even cyber sunday. holiday shopping online is soaring. how the best deals are rolling out route now. and secrets of the tomb.
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the search for the long lost queen leads to king tut's burial place. what the latest high-tech equipment may reveal hiding behind the walls. good evening. thanks for joining us on this sunday. i'm tom llamas. tomorrow stories developing tonight. the treacherous holiday storm taking at least 14 lives. more in a moment. first, the deadly shooting at the planned parenthood clinic. kror kro springs looking for answers and mourning the dead tonight. investigators on the scene, searching one of several police cars damaged during the attack. the community remembering the three who lost their lives, garrett swasey. jennifer markovsky. and the man in the killing stree, and why he might have started shooting.
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>> reporter: investigators tonight say it could take a week to process the skrim v crime scene that was pure chaos. >> we're pinned down we're getting heavy gunfire! >> reporter: a gunman, taking aim at police, and everyone else at a colorado springs planned parenthood building. >> he fired a round through the back window of my car. >> reporter: people inside and out, hiding anywhere they could. >> all i heard was screaming and people saying to get down. when i looked out the window is when i had actually scene the gunman just shooting randomly. as police tap into closed circuit cameras to track his movements. >> he is coming out. he has the a-can. >> he was aiming for my head. >> reporter: the alleged gunman, 57-year-old robert dear from neighbors say he kept to himself, moving into this remote trailer home about a year ago. searched saturday by police. >> it's very easy to just do your own thing and not be noticed because everybody minds their own business pretty much
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>> reporter: as for a possible motive, law enforcement sources say after dear surrendered friday, he allegedly made rambling, hostile comments about planned parenthood. the shooting "a crime against women receiving health care at planned parenthood." officials say dear appears to be a classic lone wolf. >> he is not talking to people. he is not saying i'm going to do this or that. very hard to identify that type of person as a threat. >> reporter: but even understanding the shooter's alleged motive will not bring back three victims, stewart, a entrepreneur entrepreneur. jennifer, a mother. >> he would have gone into that clinic to serve those people because their lives matter. >> reporter: today at his church, a prayer for his alleged killer. >> we forgive him. we can't not. you have forgiven him. garrett has forgiven him.
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champion junior ice skater, who once trained with his friend. olympic skater nancy kerrigan. >> he was strong and powerful and yet did it with a nice and yet did it with a nice ease. you can't explain it it's horror riffic and sad. >> reporter: nine others wounded in the hospital behind me, they are all expected to be okay. the suspect will be in court for tomorrow. tom? the new system on the way. treacherous rain, ice and deadly flash floods. 14 deaths blamed on the weather since thursday. in central oklahoma, more than an inch of ice bringing down a row of power lines, plunging tens of thousands into the dark. and this truck driver after heavy rains in texas and snow making for treacherous driving. this car in utah, spinning out, barely missing another. accident on the side of the road.
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philip mena tonight. >> reporter: a treacherous mix of ice, snow and rain this weekend and don't, a dangerous drive for millions on the move. >> so many trees down. >> reporter: el reno, oklahoma, cripped by more nan an inch of ice. roads turning into obstacle courses, ice covering trees like a blanket, falling limbs crushing cars. tyler french says it'll take him a week to clean up the damage at his house. what did it sound like when this massive tree came apart? >> well, it kinda sounded like a shotgun going off like a big crack. >> it's coming down! >> reporter: power lines collapsing. the street light exploding. at its peak, more than 100,000 without power. weather blamed for at least 14 deaths in texas and kansas since thursday. a creek. >> a female stuck in a vehicle with water pouring in. >> three good samaritans able to
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>> she was able to reach ore arm out and i got her by hand. >> reporter: outside oklahoma city, we met the kearnnys trying to get home to colorado. how do you feel about the drive? >> it has to happen. i'm not looking forward to it. but it has to happen. >> reporter: a nine-hour drive ahead of them. here in oklahoma, thousands are still without power. the governor declaring a state of emergency to get this area back up and running. tom? >> philip, thank you. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano is here. the holiday storm is on the way out but another storm is on the way in? >> what is feeding the storm is moving to the plains and that is going to bring the snow and winter weather. the watches and warnings from cast up to the canadian border, winter storm warnings in some places. the snow in denver, moving to the plains and tomorrow morning, expandsing by 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night. that is when it starting to come down. and we are not hour v sure long long it's going to han around. and it will determine how much
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snow they get. 5 to 10 inches, some spots could in if they get more snow, it will be the most they have seen in over a year. >> rob, thanks so much. let's turn to an international flight from jfk making an emergency landing this weekend. touchdowns down in lon down without incident. the 183 passengers booked on other flights. it's under investigation. some say donald trump crossed the line we he mocked a reporter with a disability. trump says he does remember watching muslims in new jersey celebrating after 9/11. while trump digs n one of his closest rivals taking his
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here is more. >> reporter: he is dubbed teflon don. he is defiant despite swirling controversies over his regard to facts. facts. >> why would i take it back. >> reporter: refusing to tame back claims he saw on tv thousands of muslims in new jersey celebrating on 9/11. a newspaper report challenged him and faced back lash. >> i don't remember. >> he. >> a reporter who says i don't know him. i don't know him. i don't mock people who have >> reporter: his former together in 1989. >> they knew each other. it was so clear. he is charming, funny, won two pulitzer prizes. >> reporter: meanwhile, ben
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carson is wrapping up his trip to jordan. >> we are getting a good view for rt campaign here. >> reporter: he is meeting with syrian refugee families who he says don't want to come to the u.s. >> they want to the go back for us to bring 10,000 or 25,000 solve the problem. >> reporter: carson said he took his first overseas trip as a candidate so he can better know what he is talking about. this as voters say tom? >> thank you. president obama is in paris tonight for a major meeting on climb change. this coming two weeks after the terror attacks there. security is tight. protesters took to the streets tonight. some clashing with police. more than 200 people taken into custody. abc's jon karl downs now from paris. it includes the most word leaders ever in paris. lots of high profile people over there. tonight what is done to prevent another attack?
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thousands of officials brought in to protect the summit site and all the major roadways in central paris have been shut down. and the french government has banned all public protest. they did that after the attacks. some of the protesters not going along with that. we had groups of protesters forming a human chain and some clashing with police. they threw stones at the police. the police fired back with tear gas. >> the world leaders are there to address climate change but isis is also a global problem. will they discuss terrorism? >> reporter: >> reporter: look, climate change is the theme here but there is no question that the threat from isis is overhanging all of this and will be topic number when when the presidents sid down >> jonathan karl, thank you. pope francis is visiting one of the country's most dangerous spots. the war torn capital of the
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central african republic. there are the usual sights of crowds cheering and these images as well. heavily armed soldiers lining the route. david wright is traveling with the pope. >> reporter: declaring himself a pilgrim of peace, he is the first pope in recent memory to visit a war zone. he is here as the pastor of the church and he is trying to broker a peace deal with christians and muslims. they have been locked in a bloody conflict for the past few years a civil war that pits neighbor against neighbor, kills thousands and forces 1 million people from their homes. >> getting the messages out throughout the central african republic will really have a powerful impact. >> reporter: today under heavy guard, pope francis ventured into a camp of those displaced.
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tend to see a pallalpal events. those in jackets and ak-48s, watching the backs of those here to watch the pope. a grenade here is cheaper than a bottle of coca-cola. today, he drove through the streets in the popemobile. unfazed. calling on them to put their their weapons and seek peace. tom? >> david wright traveling with the pope, thank you. in london a strange sight at buckingham palace. two men climbing to the top and staying there apparently to protest. they are crawling for rights for fathers in divorce and separation cases. the two men climbing back down a few hours later. the queen was not believed to be staying there at the time. a big change to report tonight. black friday sales are done and online shopping, way up.
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monday has already started. nick watt tracking the trend. >> reporter: holiday shopping is now a little less standing in line, and a lot more shopping online. this black friday in-store sales fell more than a billion dollars. meanwhile online we spent $2.7 billion. that's a big bump, up 14% over last year. >> it's quicker, it's easier. we're used to the on-demand lifestyle. most of us are doing online shopping on a regular basis. >> reporter: tomorrow, cyber monday, we're projected to shell out even more. retailers are sending promotional emails early and often. matching black friday in-store deals online. and many, like walmart are starting cyber sales ert, starting tonight and expending them over cyber week. $199 for an ipad mini at walmart. at target, $300 off this samsung tv. >> black friday isn't as
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unless you want to get punched in the face, be yelled at or fight the traffic for hours there is really no need for that because you can find the best same deals online. >> reporter: increasingly we're shopping with our fingers, not our feet. nick watt, abc news, santa monica, california. >> no fistfight online. that is true. still ahead, a winter warning. this apartment suddenly evacuated. what sent a dozen people to the hospital overnight? it can happen any where especially in the winter. the danger to be ready for. a man walking off with a half million dollars in cash and you won't believe how easily he pulled off this heist. watching football together is great... but i think women would agree... huddling with their man after the game is nice too. the thing is, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction.
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what's in your wallet? hey amanda, sorry to bother you but i gotta take a sick day. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil severe the non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, no sick days, medicine. back now. reminder now about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.
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risks go up in winter months. 170 people die in the u.s. each year with carbon monoxide poisoning. this weekend, a scare at an apartment building in texas. here is mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: tonight, a dozen neighbors in texas recovering from carbon monoxide exposure. evacuated from this apartment building saturday after one person was found unconscious. >> 12 patients that all got transported to the hospital. >> reporter: officials say the leak came from a boiler room attached to the building exposure to the colorless, odorless gas can be an extremely dangerous winter hazard, as one oregon couple also learned last week. kendra platt and steven roberts were enjoying a quiet night at home, when platt says she started feeling sick. the next morning, she says she was still woozy. >> i braced myself, and fell and i land like this. and then roberts passed out. >> i knew something serious had happened not sure what.
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>> if i passed out we both would have been dead right now. >> reporter: but platt was able to call 911. >> 2 patients, unknown situation. >> reporter: the couple treated in a hyperbaric chamber to restore oxygen levels. their leak believed to be from a broken hot water heater. symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and vomiting. >> the treatment for people who suspect or know they have carbon monoxide poisoning include immediately removing themselves from that environment, getting into fresh, open air. >> reporter: experts add, make sure your home has a working carbon monoxide detector. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> we thank mara for that report. and coming up, the mystery at king tut's tomb. why researchers now believe there's a secret chamber they haven't discovered yet. is there a famous mummy in that room? and a new look at this little princess.
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6:52 pm
is welcome back. our index now, starting with an armored truck heist outside of detroit casino. that sounds too easy to be true. there were no weapons involved police say the suspect disguised himself as a security guard. walked up the truck and walked off with a half million dollars. investigators are going over surveillance footage and questioning the driver of the >>. to egypt now. king tut's tomb. experts believe there is a secret chamber behind the walls. they scanned with high-tech radar. it could be the final resting and the baby pictures they to share. princess charlotte six months old, laughing with her stuffed animal.
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the pictures snapped by her mother, duchess kate who happens to be an accomplished photographer. two brothers from canada who two brothers from canada who may have the bragging rights to the wildest selfies ever. they rescue a bald eagle from a hunter's trap. the bird was welcome before. they -- you see it there, they threw it up and it flew off. kids never looking forward to their birthdays have a reason to celebrate. why one woman is making sure they have the best birthday ever. the story coming up. finally tonight, a woman on a mission, throws birthday parties for children who would or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move.
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6:55 pm
woman: my mom and i have the same hands. same eyes. same laugh. and since she's had moderate alzheimer's disease, i've discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. that's why i asked her doctor about new once-a-day namzaric . vo: new namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are currently taking, and can continue to take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. new namzaric is the first and only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimer's medicines into a single once-a-day capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms of moderate to severe alzheimer's disease. once-a-day namzaric may improve cognition and overall function and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. before starting treatment, tell the doctor about any medical conditions they have... including heart or lung problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, bladder, kidney, or liver problems.
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tell the doctor if the patient will have any procedures involving anesthesia, which may cause muscle problems. other serious side effects may occur, including slow heartbeat and fainting; increased stomach acid, which may raise the chance of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; difficulty passing urine, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. the most common side effects associated with namzaric are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. woman: mom and i share a lot of moments. and we're making the most of each one. vo: ask your doctor if new namzaric is right for your loved one.
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a mission, throwing birthday parties for children who could really use a dose of happiness on their special day. she turned a passion for planning weddings to make sure so many homeless children get a day is celebrate. here is john donvan. >> reporter: take one professional party planner. >> okay, how many cities, eight >> reporter: get the equipment lined up. get it packed. get the names right. >> we have a little boy who's turning 2, a little girl who's turning 1. >> reporter: and finally get on site, bring on the kids, and start the song. happy birthday to you >> reporter: this is what is called the "birthday party project," which leaves out just one detail. all these kids, who all have birthdays this month, they are homeless. for many of them, there'd be no birthday party. otherwise, if not for paige chenault, the party planner who started this organization three years and more than 1600 birthdays celebrated ago. to give these kids one day of feeling the center of attention. >> by throwing them the raddest
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baddest birthday parties they've even seen! >> reporter: kids like ricardo, who is 8. >> i felt surprised that this many people came to my birthday. >> reporter: and atari, who is 6. >> it makes me feel happy. >> reporter: and this is their mom, nicole. >> they're celebrating their birthday and it's not something i have to dread because i can't provide for them. >> reporter: they get cake. they get presents. >> we're celebrating my daughter amariah. she's 8. >> i felt like a super model. >> we believe that joy changes lives. >> reporter: and as birthday parties are the time and place for making wishes -- >> i'm going to wish i get out of the shelter and have a house. >> reporter: -- as wishes go, so real, so modest, and so huge, it's why the birthday party project exists in the first place. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> a wonderful idea and to all the kids a big happy birthday from all of us here at "world news."
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